New year and new job

Hi guys, this is just a quick update about my professional life.

As you might know, two years ago I moved to New Zealand and started working at Eroad. I've met great people there and had a really good time.

A few months ago I was approached by ConsenSys with a position as a blockchain protocol engineer. ConsenSys is an NY based company that has a lot of project with Ethereum.

To make the long story short, I ended up taking the position and at the beginning of 2018 started this new phase of my life, working from home and learning a lot about blockchains.

ConsenSys is a remote-first company and this is my first time working 100% remotely. So far the experience has been great!

That's all folks! As I said this is a quick update on what I'm currently working on. As I learn more about blockchains and Ethereum, I'll try to write some posts to bring you guys with me in this journey.
